Stainless steel or white?
Choosing the right multideck for your enterprise might feel overwhelming - there are so many options. One of the most hotly debated topics is the material and finish. The most popular options (by far) are stainless steel or white.
15 March 2024

Multideck fridges and freezers are brilliant options for all sorts of businesses. Whether you run a restaurant, cafe, supermarket, deli, convenience store, corner shop or fast-food restaurant, they offer the aesthetically pleasing convenience customers love.
But choosing the right multideck for your enterprise might feel overwhelming - there are so many options. One of the most hotly debated topics is the material and finish. The most popular options (by far) are stainless steel or white.
Both options have unique benefits. One isn’t necessarily better than the other - it simply depends on your needs. In general, stainless steel multidecks work best for catering and hospitality businesses. White is the go-to for retail setups.
This article will explain why this is usually (but not exclusively) the case and help you make an informed decision for your business.
Aesthetic appeal
Although the aesthetic appeal technically doesn’t impact the quality of your produce, it’s still an absolutely critical consideration. The atmosphere a customer experiences when they walk into your store can make a significant difference.
Both stainless steel and white finishes look great, but they’re usually suited to different environments.
As this post’s introduction mentions, stainless steel is preferred for catering and hospitality businesses like restaurants, hotels, cafes and takeaways. It’s sleek and modern, giving off a professional, high-end aesthetic.
In contrast, retail owners generally prefer white multidecks. White blends well with almost any shop interior, meaning the area feels clean and hygienic. The resulting atmosphere is warm and friendly rather than focused and professional. As such, a white finish is best for supermarkets, convenience stores, corner shops and any other retail setup.
Of course, any business owner is welcome to choose any finish they want. Ultimately, the best choice for you depends on the atmosphere you’re trying to create.
Durability and maintenance
Multidecks are no small investment. As such, you want to know your model will last as long as possible with normal maintenance levels.
When it comes to natural durability, stainless steel takes the win. It’s naturally resistant to staining, rust and corrosion, so it retains its aesthetic much longer. Alongside this, it’s easy to clean, making it a hygienic choice.
On the other hand, white multidecks are more prone to staining. You’ll need to do more work to keep the surface looking fresh and clean, but not too much. White finishes also usually come with an anti-bacterial coating. These units are developed to be customer-facing, no matter their finish. As such, you can trust that they can withstand substantial wear and tear.
In short, stainless steel and white multidecks are both great potential choices, but a white model might require marginally more maintenance.
Heat reflection and insulation
There’s a seemingly endless debate about which material is most efficient at retaining a multideck’s internal temperature. In laboratory conditions, stainless steel is superior, thanks to its natural ability to reflect heat. Theoretically, this means stainless steel is more energy efficient.
However, real-life conditions show that it doesn’t make much difference. Customers constantly interact with your multideck fridges. With opening and closing doors, products shifting around and constant restocking, maintaining a cool temperature also depends on a unit’s fans, air circulation, coolant system and other such components. Its interior material is still a vital cog, but it isn’t the only one. As such, there’s little difference in the thermal qualities of a multideck, whether you opt for white or stainless steel. Both options will do just fine, provided everything else is doing its bit.
Cost comparison
Cost is another interesting point to consider because there are so many variables. In general (but certainly not in every case), stainless steel costs more upfront than white multidecks. If you need an affordable unit to get started, check whether the white options are better suited to your budget.
However, we usually see stainless steel multidecks lasting longer. They provide a business with better long-term value. Combine this with stainless steel being more durable, and our clients tend to get more for their money from these options.
However, that’s not at all to say that white multidecks are a bad investment. With proper maintenance and servicing, white finishes will still last many years and pay themselves off in other ways, such as creating that warm and inviting vibe we mentioned at the start of this blog. In comparison, a stainless steel unit might put people off.
Choosing the best option for your business
So, what do we learn from all this?
Despite the qualities of stainless steel making it naturally better suited for food and drink storage in multidecks, that isn’t quite the end of the story. After all, white finishes are cheaper. They also help create a friendly atmosphere, encouraging customers to stay a while and return in the future.
As we mentioned at the start, it all comes down to the image you want to portray. Stainless steel gives the impression of being firm, serious, disciplined, professional and regimented. White finishes are smooth, relaxed, welcoming, pleasant and gentle.
And that’s precisely why stainless steel tends to work best when you and your staff actively prepare the food - you want to portray a professional image of a team that a customer should trust. But in a retail environment, you simply need a welcoming environment. Both setups work but in different contexts.
Now, with all that said and done, you’re by no means limited to stainless steel or white finishes. Here at TEFCOLD, we offer a wide range of other finish options as well as customer branding, creating a unique and custom look for your shop’s interior.
TEFCOLD can help you decide on the best finish for your organisation. Get in touch with us via the Live Chat or the phone (01332 850090) for no-commitment advice that’s completely free. No matter your requirements, we’ll do everything possible to help you find the ultimate multideck.